tiistaina, huhtikuuta 24, 2007

In english..

Hello friends! :)

We were thinking with Jukka if we should start updating our blog in english.. So, we're going to give it a try. ;)

I started my job last wednesday at the golf course and Jukka started on monday. We've been living at Jukka's parents hause, and we are going to live here for the next two weeks. Then we are going to move to our own (rented) place. It's close to Jukka's brothers home so that's great. It's fully furnished so that makes our life little bit easier what comes to moving in etc. Jukka's nephew has grown a lot. His mom told us that he has a girlfriend. Now we have to find our "Shirley notes". ;)

Other than that we've been in Lapland (northen finland) since we got back home. (there is some pics from Lapland) We've been home 2 weeks now and it's kind of wierd. It's great to see everyone but at the same time it's sad that we are not able to see you. We've heard that at least things are happening in Virginia, shooting.... :( Jen and Katie please take it easy! ;) This morning I was reading newspaper and there was news from chongqing, China. A bout 20 people had died in a buss accident. I don't know if that's the same chongqing, but i know that the taxi/buss drivers are crazy and the roads aren't that great. Anyways I got carried away... We hope to hear from you guys and hopefully everything is going well in your life!:)

I was reading bible this morning and these verses really spoke to me so I thought maybe it could encourage you too. Ezekiel 3: 4-12
Emilia, Eve´s sisterRudolf and his homies..Jukka`s nephew.. (under ;D)


Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Hello~ I'm Myung Hee. It's so good to read and see you are really doing good there!!!
I'm also doing very good with my uni, even though it is super busy!!

It is good to jump in a church community and build a good friendship with church members.. They have given lots of encouragement to me!!

Thank you for your good story!!
I love you!

3:06 ap.

Anonymous Anonyymi said...

hey it's great to hear what you guys are up to. I'm glad that you are doing well back home, I hope that you guys have a great day!

9:06 ap.


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